Filières du bac : S - ES - L
Epreuve : Anglais LV1
Niveau d'études : Terminale
Année : 2013
Session : Normale
Centre d'examen : Métropole France
Date de l'épreuve : 19 juin 2013
Durée de l'épreuve : 3 heures
Calculatrice : Interdite
Extrait de l'annale :
Document A :
From the first day he could walk Simon had always wanted to outdistance his rivals. The Americans would have described him as 'an achiever', while many of his contemporaries thought of him as pushy, or even arrogant, according to their aptitude for jealousy. Jeffrey Archer, First Among Equals (1984).
Document B :
What happened to me? The eighties happened. The nineties happened. Death and sickness and getting fat and going bald happened. I traded lots of dreams for a bigger paycheck, and I never realized I was doing it. Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie (1997).
Onze questions de compréhension écrite et deux sujets d'expression écrite à choisir parmi quatre propositions. Au total, il faudra rédiger au moins 150 mots par sujet, soit 300 mots en tout.
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