E3C LVA et LVB Anglais (N°02556) - Première T3 2021-2020

Epreuve E3C : Langues vivantes A et B - Anglais
Voie : Bac général et techno
Niveau d'études : Classe de première
Session : Première 3ème trimestre E3C2
Années : 2021-2020
Durée de l'épreuve : 1 heure 30
Calculatrice : Interdite
Numéro du sujet : 02556

Axe du programme :
- Espace privé et espace public

Extrait de l'annale :
Text 1 :
The escape-room games industry is booming. Escape rooms, in which paying participants are locked in a room and must solve puzzles.
The Economist, January 11, 2019.

Text 2 :
Your kid might be too young to be seriously considering a career in STEM.
Aimée Lutkin, Lifehacker.com, October 23, 2018.

Compréhension de l'écrit :
Account for the two texts in English, taking into consideration the importance games can have in people's lives, more particularly the positive aspects they can bring in terms of profit-making activities (text 1) and in more personal terms (text 2).

Expression écrite :
A) You are a student in an American high school. You want to encourage gender equality. Write the article that will go with this photograph for the school newspaper: situation today, problems, solutions.
B) "Play is the beginning of knowledge". What do you think about this quote? What talents and qualities do you think games can help you learn outside school?

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Code repère : C1CANGL02556