E3C LVA et LVB Anglais (N°02563) - Première T3 2021-2020

Epreuve E3C : Langues vivantes A et B - Anglais
Voie : Bac général et techno
Niveau d'études : Classe de première
Session : Première 3ème trimestre E3C2
Années : 2021-2020
Durée de l'épreuve : 1 heure 30
Calculatrice : Interdite
Numéro du sujet : 02563

Axe du programme :
- Art et pouvoir

Extrait de l'annale :
Text 1 :
Can art really make you happier? A study by neurobiologist and University College London professor Semir Zeki found that looking at a work of art can actually have the same psychological effect as the euphoric experience of romantic love.

Text 2 :
Jeanette Winterson on the transforming power of art. Jeanette Winterson is a contemporary English writer and journalist. As Manchester's Whitworth reopens, Jeanette Winterson reflects on looking at art, and talks to the gallery’s director Maria Balshaw.

Compréhension de l'écrit :
Account for the two texts in English, taking into consideration the role played by art and love in people's lives, and paying particular attention to the result of the experiment in text 1 and to Jeanette Winterson's opinion on art in text 2.

Expression écrite :
A) You took part in the experiment described in text 1 and you are interviewed by a journalist. Write the interview.
B) Can Art really make you happier? Comment and use examples to illustrate your point.

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Code repère : C1CANGL02563