Spécialité LLCER AMC (Métropole France) - Bac 2023

Filière du bac : Voie générale
Epreuve : Spécialité - Langues, Littératures et Cultures Etrangères et Régionales (LLCER) - Anglais, monde contemporain (AMC)
Niveau d'études : Terminale
Année : 2023
Session : Normale
Centre d'examen : Métropole France
Date de l'épreuve : 21 mars 2023
Durée de l'épreuve : 3 heures 30
Calculatrice : Interdite

Extrait de l'annale :
Sujet 1 :
Le sujet porte sur la thématique "Environnements en mutation".
Taking into account the specificities of the documents, say what they show about the way environmental issues are perceived and addressed in the Great Lakes area by citizens and authorities.

- Doc A : Bruce Petush, The Daily Telegram, 2019.
- Doc B : Lake Erie now has legal rights, just like you.
- Doc C : Biden touts $1 billion in funding for Great Lakes restoration, during trip to Ohio.

Sujet 2 :
Le sujet porte sur la thématique "Relation au monde".
Taking into account the specificities of the documents, say what they reveal about the evolution of the relations between Commonwealth members and the United Kingdom, focusing on their common legacy and the current political challenges.

- Doc A : Barbados parts way with the Queen and becomes world's newest republic.
- Doc B : With Queen gone, former colonies find a moment to rethink lasting ties.
- Doc C : The Council on Foreign Relations, 2022.

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